Discover 7 Powerful Laws to Attract Positivity, Embrace Change, and Manifest Your Dreams
"We are not passengers on this journey of life; we are the drivers. The Hermetic Laws are the map and compass, guiding us towards a life of fulfillment and joy."
– Joseph Campbell
Yes, you read it right: manifest your dreams. And you are alike: really?
Yes, that is a bold claim. Yet, what is the point of life if you are only a victim of your circumstances?
Yes, there is power in the words you use. So buckle up, and let’s discover the Hermetic laws together.
Before, I would love to address the skeptic in you. Here are the 7 anti-Hermetic laws:
1. Ditch the fake positivity: life is about ups and downs.
2. Disconnect to reconnect: harness the power from within and ignore external noise.
3. Be the oddball: embrace your “Uniqueness.” Breathe authenticity in your ride.
4. Dich the frame of polarity: It’s you against all your shadows.
5. Break the tempo: shake things up and leave your comfort zone.
6. Roll with the punches: chaos is your new credo. Focus on your actions and choices.
7. Be a Quantum bit, Qubit: life is in the gray zone. Messy is the new binary.
Now that we have addressed the elephant in the room, here are the 7 hermetic laws for a sustainable change in your life:
1. Mentalism
2. Correspondence
3. Vibration
4. Polarity
5. Rhythm
6. Cause and effect
7. Gender
As you delve into these laws, chaos and confusion will dissipate. You will find your place and gain a clear perspective. You will re-establish your connection with the universe's flow, filled with hope and optimism.
You will discover universal truths that have resisted the test of time. Your thoughts, actions, and emotions are the primal shapes shifting your life as the universe watches.
Law #01: Mentalism
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
– Buddha
You feel like a victim of your circumstances. You never dance because you feel out of tune. You always tune in to the gravitas side of life.
Rather than happening for you, you feel like life is happening to you.
The law of mentalism states that your mind has the power to control the rest of your universe. Don’t focus on external forces. Focus on what you can control now: your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
I felt like I did not belong to Airbus because I was a stranger who moved to France. Airbus, as an entity, belongs to all its employees. It is up to me to take ownership and act.
No promotions? I act. No pay raise? I act. No opportunities? I act.
As I act, I get results. I am becoming so good that they cannot ignore me. My results will resist the test of my time.
Law #02: Correspondence
"We are all connected; to each other, biologically. To the Earth, chemically. To the universe, atomically."
– Neil deGrasse Tyson
You feel alone in a world of more than eight billion souls. The world has never been so connected while the internet wires tighten the grips around your disconnection.
You feel like your actions are like a candle in the wind on a bright day in the middle of the Sahara desert.
The law of correspondence states that you are not a bird in a dead tree world. You are a leaf on its branches. Your actions, thoughts, and emotions broadcast signals to the rest of the universe as waves propagate into the ocean of your brain.
You are not alone. The universe is a fractal. You are the universe at scale, part of a larger whole. You have responsibilities towards the rest of the universe that you belong to.
You are the whole universe and vice versa. You have responsibilities toward the rest of the universe that you belong to.
I share a small garden with my three neighbors. We take turns mowing it. Whenever the grass is high, I don’t wait for someone else to do it. I just do it.
“You see it, you act upon it.” It is my responsibility. Yes, I might feel frustrated when some don't take turns, but I do it.
Law #03: Vibration
"You are not what you think you are; you are what you vibrate."
– Amit Ray
You feel stuck in negative patterns. That downward spiral crushes you every day, no matter what you do. Negativity is in the air, your air.
Your negative emotions are the only motion moving you. Backwards. You are the black sheep of your life’ ship, navigating in deep shit.
The law of vibration states that the universe is vibration. You are vibrating with your own frequency. Your thoughts? Frequency. Your actions? Frequency. Your emotions? Frequency.
Act with positive intent, and you will eventually attract experiences that resonate with your positive vibes.
Often, I used to think that I would break up with my dates because they were all Non-Muslim and of European descent. That was likely to happen as I live in France, where they are legion. Hence, I always end up breaking up with them.
When I met my wife, I decided to break that cycle and move with positive intent. Now, we have two amazing boys: Noad and Elijah.
Law #4: Polarity
"Light cannot exist without darkness. Embrace all sides of life."
– Shams Tabrizi
You feel like “foolly” a Democrat or a Republican. You are always stuck in extremes about your thoughts, actions, and emotions.
Stress paralyzes you. Netflix paralyzes you (me, too.). Emotionally, you are two years old, even if you are 40 years old.
The law of polarity states that everything has its opposite.
There is the crest and through. There is sound and silence. There is dark and light.
Embrace the polarity of life. Light is both a wave and a bunch of particles.
Life is a wavicle.
Don’t expect a crest without a trough. The negatives balance the positives. The answer is always to balance the extremes: life is in the middle. That is the way of light.
I used to hate constraints in life. I only like pressure in beer, even if I don’t drink. Yet where there is no pressure, there are no diamonds.
“Like a diamond in the sky. “
Now, I embrace some self-inflicted constraints to avoid Parkinson's law and get things done.
“Parkinson's law can refer to either of two observations, published in 1955 by the naval historian C. Northcote Parkinson as an essay in The Economist:[1]
Source: Parkinson's law. (2024, June 28). In Wikipedia.
Law #5: Rhythm
"Just as winter follows summer, so too do periods of growth and stagnation in life."
– Eckhart Tolle
You feel like your life is unpredictable and chaotic. Welcome to the washing machine at a trillion rpm (reps per minute). Now you know why all those socks disappeared.
Change is your enemy. You like everything different as long as they stay the same. You are a rock thrown at the top of a mountain; the road down is your life.
Yes, those nuts. Yes, that hurts. Yes, life is nuts.
The law of rhythm states that the universe vibrates in cycles. There are seasons in life. Those are the rhythms of Nature. And remember, you are a leaf on that branch of the Tree of Life.
Change is the only constant in life. Appreciate when there is no wind; don’t whine about it. A storm is coming. Guaranteed.
Life is all about rhythms (waves) and patterns (particles). The wind will change. Rest assured.
At work, I am a project leader without a project. I used to complain about it being surrounded by overwhelmed project leaders.
I took on new work once I saw that as an opportunity. Yes, that is not the task of a project leader, yet it gives me opportunities to learn new skills and grow my impact as an employee.
Law #6: Cause and Effect
"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny."
– Stephen R. Covey
You feel like your actions don’t matter. The only dent you make is the river of your sorrows. You relinquish control over your actions.
You willingly put your responsibilities on foster care. You have a first-order thinking mind: only focusing on the immediate actions without the consequences of the second or third order.
The law of cause and effect states that there will be a reaction for every action. That is the Third law of motion by Newton:
“If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude but opposite directions.”
Source: Newton's laws of motion. (2024, August 1). In Wikipedia.
Yes, your actions have consequences. They have immediate ones, as well as second, third, and even fourth-order impacts.
Take responsibility for your actions every single time.
I have a very particular way of communicating at work. I like injecting fun emojis into my emails to tease my colleagues. Sometimes, it does not go well with some of them, but I understand it and accept any hurdle that comes my way.
Law#7: Gender
"The greatest mistake of the past was to think that the feminine way of knowing arises from weakness. It arises from a different kind of strength."
– Rosalyn Yalow
You feel like a half-baked cake. Your soulmate ghosts you. You are that glass of water, half empty.
You have lost connection with your true potential. You are like a fish trying to swim in an ocean of sand. You are undermotivated, have lost your purpose, and are struggling to achieve any goal.
The law of gender states that everything is a mix of masculine and feminine ingredients. See masculine and feminine as two faces of the same coin throughout the universe. Those are the two forces driving every pattern you see.
Use your feminine strengths, including intuition, inward creation, or receptivity. Don’t forget your masculine strengths, including action, outward expression, or assertion. Those are not the foreplay but the interplay of opposites in the tapestry of the universe.
Be a Jedi, a good one. Find balance in the Forces of your universe. Don’t try to outshine your darkness with your light.
Once your balance is restored, you will be an unstoppable force in the universe.
I am primarily using my masculine side at work. I am using brute force to punch through the gates of my melanin. I have felt stuck sometimes.
Yet each time I welcome my feminine side, I reflect and look in the mirror. I am calmer and ready to explore uncharted territories.
My feminine Guardian Angel guides me through my values, passion, and reasons for being here.
Final Thoughts
The Hermetic laws are not a magic wand that you can wave to fix everything in your life the way you wish.
They are that search engine for your inner soul. Each time you are lost, you get there, hit “locate me,” and you will find solace.
Here are the seven pillars of the Google of your soul:
1. Mentalism: empower yourself
2. Correspondence: cultivate connection
3. Vibration: attract positive vibes with your thoughts
4. Polarity: embrace the power of balance through flow and harmony
5. Rhythm: navigate change by embracing its waves
6. Cause and effect: take responsibility
7. Gender: balance all forces
As you look closer to those laws, you will find them obvious. That is their force: they have resisted the test of time. Their power is not in their complexity but in the beauty of their simplicity.
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Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash